Monday, October 17, 2005


I was contacted by Debbie Sarcone, a member of Town Council. I may have been remiss in mentioning that nothing is being done. She related to me that several steps are being taken with regard to construction of more fields.

I must reiterate that I have one goal and one goal only: to get fields built that the coaches and players of this town can be proud of. This is not a personal issue with regard to Mayor Tamburro or any members of Town Council. I in fact voted for most of them, Mrs. Sarcone included. She has only been in office several months and has assured me that this is a top issue that she has been working on.

A side note; this site has not endorsed any candidate. I will make a recommendation after I've had the opportunity to contact all the parties and have had the time to see who has the best plans for the township as a whole and recreation fields in particular.

Please pass on this web site address to anyone in Marlton you think may be interested.