Thursday, October 27, 2005

Staying Above the Fray

I have vowed to stay above the vitriol, but some things just beg a response.

Over at the site, some coward going by the peudonym ArnldPalmer decided to slam me:

Hey Scott...
How come I can't find you as a real estate taxpayer in Evesham? Do you rent in town?

Hey Arnie, or should I just call you Detective Briscoe. Scott is my middle name. Of course it would have required somebody with an iota of gray matter to figure it out. I'm guessing you are either A) A Politician (in which case saying you lack gray matter would be redundant) or B) You just never got picked in sports and talk of fields sends you into a screaming rage or leads you to look up my tax records (by the way, I've paid entirely too much these last five years, especially compared to the taxes I paid in San Diego County).

Either way, I am not afraid of my name being out there and I'm not afraid to voice my opinion under my own name. Now you on the other hand, take cheap shots at me from under cover.

Whatever, I, and others in this town are doing everything we can to get new fields for the kids of this town. Cheap shot hacks like you won't deter me.

BTW, whoever had my back, thanks.