Tuesday, October 25, 2005

More Money Spent, Just Not For Fields

Congratulations neighbors, we are soon to be the proud owners of 914 acres of preserved land:

Evesham and its Municipal Utilities Authority have reached an agreement with the Pinelands Commission that preserves 722 acres of environmentally sensitive land in the southern part of the township.

There had been preliminary approval for 244 townhouses on the site, known as Kings Grant II.

The 192-acre Aerohaven Park, a former private airport where township officials once considered building ball fields, also will be preserved. There was the potential for 21 homes at Aerohaven.

Kings Grant II and Aerohaven, which are contiguous, are part of the Pine Barrens and under Pinelands Commission restrictions. The commission signed off on the deal this month.

Township officials, environmentalists and nearby residents supported the agreement, which restricts use of both tracts to passive recreation.

"No matter what, it's a home run," Mayor Gus Tamburro said. The acres will be added to the 3,000 the township already owns, he said.

Emphasis mine. Again, the land is procured for passive recreation. When will land be procured for fields? Any chance we can use 5% of that land to construct a field or four?

Note the sports metaphor.