Thursday, October 27, 2005

Where Do New Fields Rate?

How much weight does the idea of new and improved fields carry with our Town Council? Well, during election time it carries great weight. But what about after the election is over and the Council begins its next session.

We have only one way to find out, by scouring through the minutes from Council meetings.

I've searched all the Council meetings from May of this year through August of this year. Utilizing the Adobe Acrobat search function, I entered the words; fields, recreation, sports, and sport.

I got the following results:

The only significant discussion of new fields was on August 16th in which Jim Conner fought the good the fight for new fields (thanks, Jim). A new task force was assigned to look into it. September meeting minutes have not yet been posted.

Some ancillary talk occurred in several other meetings, but nothing major.

The Acrobat search function is not fool proof and I may have missed some other discussion because of that.

I wish I actually had the time to read each meetings minutes, but alas, I have some work to catch up on.

That said, it doesn't seem to be a priority of Council to fix or build any new fields.

I did not attend the September meetings. If anything significant was discussed during them, I will update this post and insert it at the top of this site detailing what was discussed.

I would imagine that there will be a bit more discussed in the November minutes.