Monday, November 07, 2005

Election Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a huge election that will dictate the direction the state and this town take in the near term.

I will not endorse a local candidate, but here are my endorsements for state-wide offices:

Governor-Doug Forrester

I've decided to endorse Forrester because politics as usual just won't cut it in the state. Mr. Forrester created and grew a business that became a leader in the industry. Not an easy thing to do. He has a businessman's mentality and knows where to cut wasteful spending and where to cut taxes to ensure that our economy stays stable.

While Jon Corzine served as CEO at a major firm, he did not create and grow that firm. He was installed and then forced out of the position, which makes me wonder what type of leader he is.

The issue of him "loaning" money to his then-girlfriend and then forgiving the loan smacks of shadiness, especially considering the union connections she has.

His links to the NJ Democratic Party have me concerned as we all saw how that forced McGreevey to make decisions that were not in the best interest of our state.

Speaking of unions, another reason I support Forrester is that he most likely will repeal the requirement to use union labor on all state projects. That was instituted by McGreevey as payback to the locals for helping him get elected. While I use union labor on my contracts, I think it should not be a requirement. The state could save millions if non-union labor is an option.

I don't see Corzine as a strong leader, a leader who will grab the reins and direct this state to fiscal responsibility, I see some of that in Forrester.

Forrester can win this election if he strikes the right cord with the large, unaffiliated group of voters

Public Question #1-Creation of Lieutenant Governor position--Yes
Public Question #2-Dedicated Tax Revenue for diesel engine emission and UST upgrades--Yes