Friday, November 04, 2005

MRC Meeting

Both candidates for the Council seat appeared at the MRC meeting and answered questions.

Some highlights:

Ms. Olt acknowledged that new fields have not been a priority for Mayor Tamburro. No revelation this, but also said that she would make it a priority if elected. She said he seems to have a change of heart on the matter. This, of course, remains to be determined. She indicated that she would hammer this issue and keep it in the forefront.

Mr. Lynch said that we have to "stop throwing temporary fixes" at the problem. He touched on the uselessness of spending $200K on paving the Memorial complex while the fotball field is unplayable. He also proposed that we develop "a plan" so when funds are available, they are spent wisely instead of scattered.

A local resident asked if it would be a good idea to create a paid "Sports Czar" who would be a voice for those who want new fields. Since the Rec. Advisory Commission seems to have no effect on assisting us, this may be a good idea. I would recommend that the position be an elected one autonomous from the council but with the ability to raise and procure funds and direct those funds. They would be directly accountable to the people of this town.

The idea of creating an appointed position doesn't appeal to me as it only will become an extension of of Council and thus fall under the wing of the Mayor. In short, we'd have another partisan hack getting paid tax dollars and hired because of cronyism.

Both candidates stated their positions with clarity, even though Mr. Lynch was interrupted by an unfortunate outburst that is related on sites other than this.

There were some disagreements within the audience. A man relayed a story concerning a Missouri town roughly the size of Marlton that developed a recreation area of 128 acres and numerous fields. The money to fund that town's building was from disaster relief funds, but that doesn't change the basic facts. One audience member said that Council had allocated $150,000 of Open Space funds in the previous meeting. I retorted that $150 K is a drop in the bucket compared with what we really need to get this going.

To be honest, the money has not been allocated but was brought up at the Council meeting because the sitting members of Council know that this is an issue that will not be brushed aside. To allocate smaller than needed funds is a step, I guess, but was purely done as political pandering.

In all, there were about 100 people in attendance. A smaller than expected number, but not insignificant. I did have to leave near the end and will report back what others who stayed for the duration say and think.

I would like to thank both candidates for taking the time and speaking to us. It's been a long campaign and I'm sure that with the elction next week, they had other issues to address.

This election is going to be close. Please vote for the candidate you think will do a better job.

If building fields is a major issue to you, vote for the candidate who is more likely to support us and our mission to build fields.

Most importantly, please vote.