Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Other Site is Discussed on MSNBC

This post at my other site was discussed on MSNBC's Connected show this afternoon. See the link here, video posted when available:

The blogger at "The Next Left" says that like the pro-torture lobby, this accusation further undermines America's credibility in this war.

A similar point is coming from "TPM Cafe." This blogger says that the story will cause an even greater shock to the world than the allegations of torture at Abu Ghraib did.

But at "Environmental Republican," this blogger isn't buying the claims. He says the U.S. has not violated any laws. White phosphorous is not a banned substance, and the U.S. uses it in a legal manner.

Before this story gets any bigger on the blogs I wanted to ask an expert to help me understand it better, and truth squad it a bit. I spoke to retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs and he shed some light on the story, separating fact from fiction.

I'm sure Ron Reagan was anti-me (that's fine, because the day I agree with that guy is the day I really start to worry) , but Monica had my back, I'd imagine. And, the evidence proves that I was right.