Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Green Acres Money Information

How can Green Acres money be spent? Here's an informative website. For instance:

How will open space be preserved for ecological, historical or recreational purposes?

New Jersey residents are fortunate to have many agencies and groups active in preserving ecological, historical, and recreational open space. The federal, state, and most local governments own and manage open spaces for a variety of purposes including wildlife refuges, wildlife management areas, parks, historic sites, golf courses, marinas, environmental education centers, campgrounds, community gardens, and playgrounds.

In addition, New Jersey has benefited from a growing number of land trusts and conservation organizations. These nonprofit organizations focus primarily on the natural resource characteristics of the land and raise private funds to purchase and manage open space. As an incentive, these private lands, when made available for public recreation and conservation purposes, are offered tax exemption through the Green Acres Program.

A quick scan of the document says nothing of having to use the land for "passive" use, yet that seems to be all Evesham uses it for.

How about we make a trade, allow some of the procured acreage for the construction of quality ball fields and we'll cede an equal amount of Savich Farm for "passive" use?

Update: I for one think that protecting land is a great idea. Curtailing development is a nice concept, especially in the areas where ecological diversity exists.

That said, can we at least spend some of the open space money on a few baseball fields? It will still be protected land but used for a purpose that promotes healthy exercise for our kids.