Monday, October 31, 2005

A Rant

We all need to chill. The election that happens a week from tomorrow is an election for a town council seat. Honestly, it's not life or death.

If you support one candidate or the other, that's great. We should all be involved in what effects our daily lives.

To make things personal is another matter altogether.

As I've said, I've met only one person in the political scene in Marlton. She went door-to-door and I discussed a few issues with her.

I don't know her and if she saw me, probably wouldn't know me.

I've read things over the last day, about her, that are plain wrong. Things that have made this election personal.

Politics is politics and I understand that. But taking cheap shots at someone or their family is despicable. None of us have any right to post the garbage I've seen in the last day.

These people have kids and families. Their kids and families see what you are writing and the target of your posts have to deal with that.

If someone chooses politics and runs for election, that is their perogative. Keep their families out of it. Innuendo is for cowards and anonymous slams are less than cowardly.

If you don't like a candidate or incumbent, that's fine, you vote them out of office or write a letter to the editor as I did. Going to a second-rate forum and writing about a person's family while hiding under the guise of a pseudonym is disgusting at best, abhorrent at worst.

I feel better now.