Thursday, November 10, 2005

News and Notes

This site will still be the focus of getting us new fields and will be updated as needed.

However, I am pleased to announce that a new site will be started that will focus on all facets of Evesham Township government. I've been in touch with several people from all sides of the political spectrum and we should have a nucleus of about six people to provide input in a new group blog.

The blog will be a place to conduct intelligent dialogue and will have reports from every township connected meeting; Council, MRC, School Board, etc. If you're looking for slams and insults, you already have a place for that and this will not be it. If you are looking for real news that efects this town brought to you from various perspectives, this will be the site you are looking for.

I also hope to have posts from elected members in town and other guest posters who wish to convey their thoughts.

I envision the site kicking off next week sometime. Please check in for more info and the site address.