Monday, November 14, 2005

New Site

I've been spending time getting this group site going. It's a sane discussion of Evesham politics. I will post to this site as news warrants. Here's the url:

Thursday, November 10, 2005

News and Notes

This site will still be the focus of getting us new fields and will be updated as needed.

However, I am pleased to announce that a new site will be started that will focus on all facets of Evesham Township government. I've been in touch with several people from all sides of the political spectrum and we should have a nucleus of about six people to provide input in a new group blog.

The blog will be a place to conduct intelligent dialogue and will have reports from every township connected meeting; Council, MRC, School Board, etc. If you're looking for slams and insults, you already have a place for that and this will not be it. If you are looking for real news that efects this town brought to you from various perspectives, this will be the site you are looking for.

I also hope to have posts from elected members in town and other guest posters who wish to convey their thoughts.

I envision the site kicking off next week sometime. Please check in for more info and the site address.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Bonnie Olt Wins

Congratulations to Bonnie Olt. It was a tough campaign for both candidates.

I ask but one question: will Council work with us to get more fields? Bill and Steve have worked hard to this point, but our job is still in its earliest stages. Let's keep it up and not let Council rest until we get what the kids of Evesham deserve; the finest fields in the entire region.

I will post results tomorrow and it looks as though it was a turnout of 10,000.

Olt the Winner?

The word is that Bonnie Olt won. Links as soon as they become available.

Corzine Wins

The AP called the race for Corzine by ten points. I think it'll be closer than that. Get ready for four years of McGreevey-type politics. The scarier thought is who will Corzine appoint to replace him in the Senate?

The Donks also won in the Virginia gubernatorial race.

My Other Site is Discussed on MSNBC

This post at my other site was discussed on MSNBC's Connected show this afternoon. See the link here, video posted when available:

The blogger at "The Next Left" says that like the pro-torture lobby, this accusation further undermines America's credibility in this war.

A similar point is coming from "TPM Cafe." This blogger says that the story will cause an even greater shock to the world than the allegations of torture at Abu Ghraib did.

But at "Environmental Republican," this blogger isn't buying the claims. He says the U.S. has not violated any laws. White phosphorous is not a banned substance, and the U.S. uses it in a legal manner.

Before this story gets any bigger on the blogs I wanted to ask an expert to help me understand it better, and truth squad it a bit. I spoke to retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs and he shed some light on the story, separating fact from fiction.

I'm sure Ron Reagan was anti-me (that's fine, because the day I agree with that guy is the day I really start to worry) , but Monica had my back, I'd imagine. And, the evidence proves that I was right.

Election Results--Revised

The previous link does not include Council races, only Mayoral races. The Inquirer has a site but it omits Evesham for some reason. I'm looking for an updated site.

Update: A site that is live-blogging statewide results.

Turnout High

According tho one of the poll workers at Evans, the turnout is pretty heavy. Good news for Forrester I'd imagine.

More comments later after I get back from practice.

Election Results

Click here for election results. Reporting to begin after polls close.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Election Tomorrow Part 2

Any questions regarding the election tomorrow can be found here. Find your polling station by clicking here.

Remember, if you don't vote, don't whine later about taxes, fields or any other issues.

Let's show the power we have as coaches and parents of youth athletes. Let's also show them that the issue of fields is important. We've seen fields mentioned on both candidates literature, let's hold them accountable.

Update: This doesn't make me feel any better about the way our state handles elections.


I went to Eagles-Skins last night in Maryland and have some comments:

Fedex Field is not very old but is not aging gracefully. It's dirty in a way that made us old time Veterans Stadium folk feel comforatable. I wouls say that there was about a 30%-70% Eagles-Skins split. Alot of obstructed views seats ring the second level so that one is forced to watch the TV's provided.

The Skins fans were non-threatening and didn't talk too much trash until the game was over. They are not even remotely as witty as Giants fans. When they talk trash, it's generally hilarious and smart.

Access to the field was easy, right off the beltway. Parking wasn't bad and they provide room for some tailgating.

Overall, a not unpleasant experience with the exception of the outcome, which brings me to the Eagles performance. No running game is hurting us severely. Revelations of Hugh Douglas changing T.O's paradigm are running rampant (sparking remembrances of another rumor about Eric Lindros) and McNabb couldn't get it done at crunch time...again. Lastly, clock management is horrid and Andy Reid has to answer for that.

Update: Cross posted at my other site.

Election Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a huge election that will dictate the direction the state and this town take in the near term.

I will not endorse a local candidate, but here are my endorsements for state-wide offices:

Governor-Doug Forrester

I've decided to endorse Forrester because politics as usual just won't cut it in the state. Mr. Forrester created and grew a business that became a leader in the industry. Not an easy thing to do. He has a businessman's mentality and knows where to cut wasteful spending and where to cut taxes to ensure that our economy stays stable.

While Jon Corzine served as CEO at a major firm, he did not create and grow that firm. He was installed and then forced out of the position, which makes me wonder what type of leader he is.

The issue of him "loaning" money to his then-girlfriend and then forgiving the loan smacks of shadiness, especially considering the union connections she has.

His links to the NJ Democratic Party have me concerned as we all saw how that forced McGreevey to make decisions that were not in the best interest of our state.

Speaking of unions, another reason I support Forrester is that he most likely will repeal the requirement to use union labor on all state projects. That was instituted by McGreevey as payback to the locals for helping him get elected. While I use union labor on my contracts, I think it should not be a requirement. The state could save millions if non-union labor is an option.

I don't see Corzine as a strong leader, a leader who will grab the reins and direct this state to fiscal responsibility, I see some of that in Forrester.

Forrester can win this election if he strikes the right cord with the large, unaffiliated group of voters

Public Question #1-Creation of Lieutenant Governor position--Yes
Public Question #2-Dedicated Tax Revenue for diesel engine emission and UST upgrades--Yes

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Open Thread

An open thread in the comments begins now.

A Public Service Message

To all who make the turn coming up 73 north onto Evesham Rd, you are allowed to make the left without the arrow, you just have to yield to southbound traffic.

I say this because you all have irked me at one time or another and take away precious moments I can never get back.

I imagine most are from Cherry Hill or Voorhees, which of course would explain things. However, if you are from Marlton, please take this advice so I can get home that much faster.

Thank you and back to our regularly scheduled blog.

Another Marlton Blog

Check it out. Another Marlton blog.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Thoughts on Forrester/Corzine

Here's some of my thoughts on the Corzine/Forrester race and the effects of this week's revelations.

Site Stats

This site has had 600 page views and 300 unique hits so far this week. Good numbers considering no one reads this drivel.

People are paying attention, evidently.

This site will continue until well after the election. Regular updates on the progress we are making with fields will be posted, as will responses to every Council meeting.

Update: This shows unique visitors and page views as of 2045 (8:45 PM)

The Next Step

Several people who've been active in this drive to get sports fields will work together to get the ball rolling. If we go to Council with facts and solutions instead of wishes and dreams, we'll be much more successful.

I, and other are looking to meet with those in surrounding towns who have built their fields in the past few years. We will find out how the funds where procured and how they were spent.

Once we have an idea of what we want to build, we can continue with the next steps.

MRC Meeting

Both candidates for the Council seat appeared at the MRC meeting and answered questions.

Some highlights:

Ms. Olt acknowledged that new fields have not been a priority for Mayor Tamburro. No revelation this, but also said that she would make it a priority if elected. She said he seems to have a change of heart on the matter. This, of course, remains to be determined. She indicated that she would hammer this issue and keep it in the forefront.

Mr. Lynch said that we have to "stop throwing temporary fixes" at the problem. He touched on the uselessness of spending $200K on paving the Memorial complex while the fotball field is unplayable. He also proposed that we develop "a plan" so when funds are available, they are spent wisely instead of scattered.

A local resident asked if it would be a good idea to create a paid "Sports Czar" who would be a voice for those who want new fields. Since the Rec. Advisory Commission seems to have no effect on assisting us, this may be a good idea. I would recommend that the position be an elected one autonomous from the council but with the ability to raise and procure funds and direct those funds. They would be directly accountable to the people of this town.

The idea of creating an appointed position doesn't appeal to me as it only will become an extension of of Council and thus fall under the wing of the Mayor. In short, we'd have another partisan hack getting paid tax dollars and hired because of cronyism.

Both candidates stated their positions with clarity, even though Mr. Lynch was interrupted by an unfortunate outburst that is related on sites other than this.

There were some disagreements within the audience. A man relayed a story concerning a Missouri town roughly the size of Marlton that developed a recreation area of 128 acres and numerous fields. The money to fund that town's building was from disaster relief funds, but that doesn't change the basic facts. One audience member said that Council had allocated $150,000 of Open Space funds in the previous meeting. I retorted that $150 K is a drop in the bucket compared with what we really need to get this going.

To be honest, the money has not been allocated but was brought up at the Council meeting because the sitting members of Council know that this is an issue that will not be brushed aside. To allocate smaller than needed funds is a step, I guess, but was purely done as political pandering.

In all, there were about 100 people in attendance. A smaller than expected number, but not insignificant. I did have to leave near the end and will report back what others who stayed for the duration say and think.

I would like to thank both candidates for taking the time and speaking to us. It's been a long campaign and I'm sure that with the elction next week, they had other issues to address.

This election is going to be close. Please vote for the candidate you think will do a better job.

If building fields is a major issue to you, vote for the candidate who is more likely to support us and our mission to build fields.

Most importantly, please vote.

Thursday, November 03, 2005



I will report on events at the conclusion.

I hope it doesn't dissolve into a candidate slamming competition. We are there to talk about how the candidates are going to get us fields.

Let's all remain civil and focus on the task at hand, not who took money from whom or any other non-sports issue.