Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm Part of the Clique

Over at NJ.com I've already been called an idiot and told that no one likes me. Oh well. As I said; politics is a nasty game and I've been hardened by comments at my other site. You can read my response if you wish, I won't post it here. Especially when the poster doesn't have the guts to identify themself.

All I want is new fields for the kids, well, that and responsible government but we can't have it all, can we?

I hope to have a more reasoned debate at this site. Debate based on facts, not slams.

We shall see if that can be attained as I can't watch this site 24/7. As I said, I will not moderate but will erase anything that gets personal or goes beyond the limits.

Again, I have no dog in this fight except to build the kids of this town fields they are proud of. I know there are many who feel the same way.

This site will host only open and honest debate, if the debate degrades to the point of NJ.com, I will ban the offensive commenters from the comments section.

Simple enough? We have two weeks to debate the issues.

Update: They've removed the post by one Concernd Citz that I linked to. Too bad, I was feeling kind of proud of my first hit and run against me. Oh well, it probably won't be the last.